Live the Life You Desire
Let's Ignite the Power in YOU!
Breaking Cycles
Overcoming Barriers
Facing Challenges
Mental Health is a Lifestyle!®
Free Anxiety Assessment
Are you frozen with anxiety that blocks you from bringing your business ideas and dreams to fruition? Test your anxiety level here
Join us Family on the Mental Health is a Lifestyle Podcast! The intention of the podcast is to empower, inform, educate, and validate. I want you to feel seen and heard. You will hear information that will support and strengthen your emotional, physiological and psychological wellbeing while eradicating stigma surrounding mental health.

My name is Andrea and I’m so happy that you found me! How you got here is not important, however the fact that you are here is no accident. Our paths were supposed to cross, I believe in Purpose not coincidences. I live my Life with the intention to help you live the life that you desire by breaking dysfunctional cycles, strategizing to overcome barriers and empowering you to face life’s challenges. Allow me to ignite the POWER in you, you are more POWERFUL than you know!
Where in your life do you need more Power?
AWiseBrown has helped me to get out of my own way. After meeting with her consistently for a period of time, I realized that most of the issues I encountered in my life were caused by me and the way I saw the world. WiseBrown has helped me to change my life and now I'm living the life I want to live, I create better experiences for myself. I have kept people in my life who help me be better. I keep WiseBrown on speed dial! LOL!
~Amy Greenburg~
AWiseBrown has so much electrifying positive energy that it’s contagious. I saw her when she was speaking at a women’s conference on work life balance. I have always struggled with trying to manage my life perfectly but learned the secret of managing my lie without guilt. I feel much better now when I have to leave my family for business. If you hear that AWiseBrown is speaking in your area, go to hear her speak, she’s amazing!
~Tracy Wilkins~
I recently attended a POWER STARTER Marriage Seminar with my wife and it literally regenerated the spark that was lost in our marriage. Andrea taught us how to regain trust in our relationship. We are both very appreciative and glad that we attended!
~Marcus Brown~

Andrea has appeared in: